Tips for new Freelancers

If you are a freelancer and not getting any order so you are at right place.

Here I will tell you my whole experience as a freelancer on different platforms.

To become a good freelancer you should have an skill and having skill is not enough you should have a good command on your skill because in freelancing you will face a lot of difficult projects.

How to Start Freelancing

There are some very popular freelance platforms, you should must have a profile in these websites. The list of popular websites given below.

  1. Fiverr
  2. Upwork
  3. Freelancer

According to my best of knowledge these three freelancing websites are the best and these websites have changed a lot of lives.

Important Tips

Before making a profile you should complete this check list if you want to generate quick orders.

  1. A good Profile Picture
  2. Portfolio website

When you show your portfolio website to a buyer so it increases the trust of buyer that you are a professional freelancer and trustable person. Because someone is paying you their money you should make sure that you are the right person for the job.

If you are working on Fiverr then first of all find good keywords for your gig and do good analyzation on your gig.

Give all the detail in the gig including your services, price, additional service fee, revisions etc.

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